Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is Buddhism?

Yes, it is....


I am so glad you now understand,

why I now know not to no,
you KnoW?


is what O.K.?


...what is never O.K.,
for then why would you be asking?

---maybe this is it's purpose....


This term O.K. also brings about many thoughts of the American society we now live,
do you know what it really means?
the usual joke is that it means orl korrekt,
or all correct.

I've come across other idea's of it's meaning,
Obsolete knowledge,
obliterate knowing,
others kindness,
omniscient knot,
or not at it may be.....

it's funny to think that the most popular American english word
ain't really that'a'right grammatically......

saw an incredibly ironic commercial for walmart, (I refuse to capitalize an industry I disrespect)

it says by shopping with them your placing an investment in the American dream...

-what is this dream?

preying upon the ignorance of a public whose major source of news is from a TV set, and or computer screen?

The American dream
as individuals through a government,
we become one.

whose one do we become?

Just read up on Ri/Bi :(Case 2 in Mumonkan)

inward and outward action of the mind.
-this or that?
+ or -,
inward or outward?

People are constantly trying to reduce all questions and worries to a single entity,
or God,
if you will.

Where in real life,
simply looking at electricity and the structure of an atom,
both positive and negative(+&-)
are needed to make a charge or reaction.
All life/energy/being is dependant upon this + and - interaction.
What is the cost of convenience, and all the cheap products out in the markets?

I mean, what is convenience, really?

I feel it is the point when one selfishly decides that their effort
is not worth  what they are accepting.

it is almost like a personality and or ego function of putting oneself
 'above and or better than'
whatever it may require to produce oneself,
even within one's self.

the will of man,
is the easy way out.

What makes up a thought?

Well, the brain....What makes up the brain?

uhhhh, neurons and tendrils and axion and,,,,,,

What makes these?

atoms, + and - electrons...

and what makes them?


It is pretty simple when it comes down to it,

You do.
Perfection is a human  conception,

being that it is also a human mystery.
unreality and or fiction.

Because with 'perfection'
both This AND That
are right and or  correct.

overtly eliminating any form of  choice
or human determinism.